Sevilla'nın futbolcusu Antonio PUERTA geçen haftaki lig maçında sahada kalbinden sorun yaşamış ve apar topar hastaneye kaldırılmıştı,hastanede yapılan tedaviyle hayata tutunmak için çabaladı ama..... :(
Hello, I'm fans Sevilla FC. I want you to thank your commet about Antonio Puerta, the hero of Nervión taht ninght in April when Sevilla played whit Schalke 04 and it passed at final UEFA's Cup.
2 yorum:
Hello, I'm fans Sevilla FC. I want you to thank your commet about Antonio Puerta, the hero of Nervión taht ninght in April when Sevilla played whit Schalke 04 and it passed at final UEFA's Cup.
Sorry my English.
Thank you very much.
Eroma , My condolences to you.
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